BV Well Monitoring

BVCA Needs a Few More Good Wells

Concentration of well-monitoring activity in Bennett Valley --black dots are enrolled wells   

 By Chris Gralapp

The BVCA Well Monitoring Project is proceeding swimmingly, with 18 wells on board as of this writing. The county Sustainable Groundwater Agency is advising our local committee, and we are gaining experience and familiarity with the process. But we need a few more wells to get a true picture of the aquifers under our feet.

Here is a map of the wells we are measuring currently, along with areas that we want to add to the mix.   As you can see, we have a concentration around the Grange Road / Sonoma Mountain Road corridors, which is terrific.  We want very much to expand east and west, into the areas defined in the yellow ellipses, both closer to the Santa Rosa city limits and further toward Enterprise Road.

If you live in or about either of these zones, please contact the Bennett Valley Well Working Group, and we will get you on the rotor!  It is amazingly simple, and takes only a few minutes to sound a well and record the data. Our crack team of volunteer well measurers is ready to expand the program—the next round of soundings will happen in October. Get on board!